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Easter 6C

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


The Church’s one foundation (CH 739 / MP 640) or Christ is made the sure foundation (CH 200 / MP 73) would be appropriate gathering songs today as they focus us on Christ while hinting at the new creation in Revelation. Every promise (CCLI / Getty) or God of the Bible (Fresh as the morning) (MV 28 / GIA / Hope) offer some contemporary alternatives to these.

As suggested throughout the Easter season, if you used any of the more contemporary hymns on Easter Sunday such as Christ is alive, and the universe must celebrate (CH 422), Away with gloom, away with doubt (CH 418), Earth, earth, awake; your praises sing (CH 420) or Christ was raised (Resound) it could also be worth repeating them to help them become part of your congregation’s repertoire.


O God, show us your mercy (Grace) sung to Aurelia and God of mercy, God of grace (PFAS 67A / Grace / Hymnary) which can be sung to various tunes give two metrical options for the psalm set to well known tunes while May our God be known (Kimbrough) and All the heavens (CCLI) are options better suited to bands. For a responsorial setting you could use the chorus of Let all the peoples praise you, O Lord (CH 67).


The Gospel has a number of different themes that can be explored. Songs of illumination could link to the opening verses, such as Look upon us, blessed Lord (CH 601), Holy wisdom, lamp of learning (CH 604) and Your word, O Lord (Resound). You could also consider songs praying for the coming of the Spirit to guide us, such as Come down, O love divine (CH 489 / MP 89), Come O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (WGRG) and Holy Spirit, living breath of God (MP 1183 / CCLI / Getty). Finally, there are some great simple short chants which pick up themes from v27, including Peace I leave (WGRG), In God alone my soul can find / Mon âme se repose (Taizé) and Don’t be afraid (WGRG).

There are very few songs about stories of women in the Bible and Lydia doesn’t even get a mention in any of those! The Spirit led by day (Jubilate) is one song which explores this chapter in Acts while O God of truth and glory (link) sung to Aurelia could be used to highlight those stories we often miss out. You could also use Draw the circle wide (MV 145 / link) to think about the significance of this passage as the church expanded geographically.

Some of the songs previously suggested for other parts of Revelation are still very appropriate here, in particular the classic hymns Glorious things of thee are spoken (CH 738 / MP 173) and Jerusalem the golden (CH 747) and the worship songs There is a higher throne (MP 1116 / CCLI) and Worthy is the lamb (MP 1109 / CCLI). Siyahamba / We are marching (CH 516 / MP 954) would specifically link to walking in the light in v24 while Healing river of the Spirit (CH 707) is a great contemporary hymn which could link to the river of the water of life, as could Oh, have you not heard of that beautiful stream (Hymnary).


Classic hymns which resonate with the vision from Revelation would be good to finish with, such as Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (CH 167 / MP 201), Be thou my vision (CH 465 / MP 51) and Ye holy angels bright (CH 179 / MP 783), while worship songs such as This is amazing grace (CCLI) and Worthy is the lamb (MP 1109 / CCLI) could also link to this.

The opening of the psalm could also suggest finishing with a setting of the Aaronic blessing. The Lord bless you and keep you (CH 796) is probably the most widely known but there are some great alternatives such as the gentle, folky May the Lord bless you (Satellite), the beautiful two part May the Lord, mighty God (CH 787) from China, or the global hit The blessing (CCLI).

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