You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.
The Psalm is a great gathering theme for today as it encourages all the earth to make a joyful noise to God and you consider songs from a wide range of styles including hymns such as All creatures of our God and King (CH 147 / MP 7), Sing to God with gladness, all creation (CH 150) and Let all the world in every corner sing (CH 122), worship songs like Let everything that has breath (MP 1001 / CCLI), God of wonders (MP 1089 / CCLI) and From life’s beginning (Let praise resound) (Resound) or songs from around the world such as Uyai mose / Come all you people (CH 757) and Mari beribadah / Let us come and worship our Creator (H 37).
Praise our God with shouts of joy (PFAS 66E / Jubilate) is a good option for a metrical setting of the psalm, with Lauds or St Bees some alternative tunes to consider. All creation sings God’s greatness (GIA) is a more ambitious option but the music gives a wonderful lift to the text. The rhythmic shifts are consistent and should be possible for a congregation to pick up by ear. There are also a range of short choruses you could use for a responsorial reading including Uyai mose / Come all you people (CH 757), vv.1-2 of Cantad al Seňor / Let’s sing to the Lord (CH 126) and Awesome God (MP 1005 / CCLI).
When Jesus the healer (CH 350) is a lively song which looks at many different stories of healing in the Gospels while Jesus Christ is waiting (CH 360) has verses about different aspects of Jesus’ ministry including one about healing. Lord of life, we come to you (CH 782), O Christ the healer we have come (CH 717) and We cannot measure how you heal (CH 718) turn the focus onto our prayers for healing in ourselves and people we know. Worship songs speaking about healing was a bit of a gap but some more recent ones have focused more on this including Miracles (CCLI), God with us (CCLI) and Impossible things (CCLI).
When we are living (CH 726) would link directly to the Epistle while Lord, speak to me that I may speak (CH 542 / MP 444) and I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (CH 645 / MP 323) are some other options for this.
Seek the peace of the city (link) and Seek peace for restless city streets (GIA) are both based on the passage from Jeremiah and you can also consider other songs with similar themes such as All who love and serve your city (Hope) and God of this city (CCLI).
There is no particular text that jumps out today as having a sending theme but all of them link to a call to be faithful to God’s will for us and you could consider hymns such as Lord, for the years (CH 159 / MP 428), Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go (CH 529 / MP 159), Be thou my vision (CH 465 / MP 51) and One more step along the world I go (CH 530 / MP 1346) or worship songs such as I will follow (CCLI), Hear the call of the kingdom (MP 1282 / CCLI / Getty) and Build my life (CCLI).