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Proper 14A / 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


Jesus calls us here to meet him (CH 510) or Jesus call us o’er the tumult (CH 509 / MP 359) are both well known options for an opening song which would pick up Jesus’ call to Peter in the Gospel. You could also consider general songs about being called to worship such as Come and see (CCLI), Come one, come all (Gordon), Come now is the time to worship (CH 196 / MP 1040) and Jesus lead us to the Father (Resound).


Tell what he has done (Grace) sung to Londonderry Air is one of the few contemporary settings of this psalm. Since it appears four times over the course of a few months then you can pick and choose which verses to use each time. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (CH 167 / MP 201) is not a strict paraphrase but is worth mentioning because it is based on the same narrative of Israel’s journey in the desert.

With so few settings of the psalm it’s also worth considering short songs of praise to God, either as a standalone song or at the beginning and end of a reading of the psalm. Options for this include Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bring (CH 170) where the first verse as a round would work well, Praise, I will praise you, Lord / Je louerai l’Éternel (CH 175), How great is our God (MP 1227) and the Thai song Come and worship (WGRG).


Although I have reservations about how congregational it is, Oceans (CCLI) would be an obvious song to link to the Gospel. You could also look at songs which focus on Jesus being there for us in challenging times such as What Wondrous Love Is This (CH 395), and particularly v2 with “when I was sinking down”, He will hold me fast (CCLI / Getty) and

My life flows on in endless song (How can I keep from singing) (CH 565). There are also some songs which specifically pick up on Jesus’ words in v27 such as Do not be afraid (CH 191) and Don't be afraid (WGRG).

The Epistle has perhaps unsurprisingly inspired songs that can be quite big and bold, ranging from hymns such as the Scottish paraphrase I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (CH 645) and Victorian classic At the name of Jesus (CH 458 / MP 41) to Gospel choruses like He is Lord, he is Lord (CH 443), and contemporary hymns such as Christ our hope in life and death (CCLI) or Jesus is Lord (GSW 33 / Hymnary) from Hong Kong, to worship songs such as All hail King Jesus (CCLI) and Redeeming love (Resound). The final verse also links directly to Our God reigns (MP 249).

This is the first of two weeks looking at the story of Joseph and so you could consider learning a new song inspired by it such as Joseph was his father’s favourite (Carolyn), Joseph, who are these strange men (GIA) or When prison walls extend their reach (Jubilate). With the specific focus this week on Joseph being sold into captivity you could also look at songs such as Inspired by love and anger (CH 253) or Care for the hidden (link) which touch on this more generally.


The call from the Epistle to proclaim Jesus as Lord would offer good options for a sending song including classic hymns such as At the name of Jesus (CH 458 / MP 41), All hail the power of jesus’ name (CH 457 / MP 13) and O for a thousand tongues, to sing (CH 352 / MP 496), although consider missing out v5 of the latter (“Hear him, ye deaf”) as it now raises issues of ableism. Some contemporary songs to consider are In Christ alone (MP 1072 / CCLI / Getty), All hail King Jesus (CCLI), Christ our hope in life and death (CCLI) and Jesus is Lord (GSW 33 / Hymnary) from Hong Kong

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