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Songs for Sunday


This collaborative project between Trinity College Glasgow and professional musician Iain McLarty offers ideas for songs for every Sunday in the Church year (plus special services), inspired by the main readings from the Revised Common Lectionary and any seasonal themes.


It is written from a Scottish perspective but includes songs from around the world and in many different styles. There are a broad range of contemporary songs suggested to encourage worship planners to build new songs into their congregation’s repertoire.

You can find posts for the next few weeks by clicking the images to the left (or above on a phone). If you want to find other dates then these are listed on the Lectionary page by year (AB and C). You can also find all posts containing a certain passage on the Scripture page.

There are notes in all of the posts about where to find songs and a list of acronyms used can be found below. The suggestions are generally suggested from books commonly available in the UK or songs available online, with an occasional exception made for outstanding songs which justify a bit more effort to get hold of.

About the writer

Iain McLarty is a professional musician and worship development worker based in Glasgow, Scotland. He has worked in different denominations and ecumenical settings around the world, leading worship in congregations and at conferences and delivering training. He is passionate about about helping people plan worship that is collaborative, participative and contextual, bringing their communities into encounter with God. 

Resources and dates

For easy access:

Lent 5B/Sunday 17th March

Palm/Passion Sunday/Sunday 24th March

Maundy Thursday/Thursday 28th March

Good Friday/Friday 29th March

Easter Sunday/Sunday 31st March

Easter 2B/Sunday 7th April

Easter 3B/Sunday 14th April

Easter 4B/Sunday 21st April

Easter 5B/Sunday 28th April

Easter 6B/Sunday 5th May


The following books are the core sources that I draw from most weeks, covering a wide range of different genres. If you don’t have any of these resources then I would highly recommend investing in them.

CCLI  SongSelect by CCLI

CH  Church Hymnary 4th edition

MP  Mission Praise

PFAS  Psalms for All Seasons

WGRG  Wild Goose Resource Group

I also have a wide range of books and online sources which I regularly use and will reference less regularly. If you find that you like songs suggested from these resources then they are worth investigating further.

Cantate  Cantate (Decani Music)

Carolyn  Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

Common  Common Hymnal

CG  Common Ground

CP  Carol Praise

Fischy  Fischy Music

Getty  Getty Music

GIA  GIA Publications

Gordon  Malcolm Gordon (New Zealand songwriter)

GP  Global Praise Books 1, 2 and 3 (United Methodist Church)

Grace  Grace Music New Psalter

GSW  Global Songs for Worship

Hosanna  Hosanna! (published by World Council of Churches)


Kimbrough  Wendell Kimbrough (American songwriter)

Lee  David Lee

LTACR  Let the Asian Church Rejoice (published by Methodist School of Music and Trinity Theological College, Singapore)

MV  More Voices (United Church of Canada)

NEH  New English Hymnal

New Scottish  New Scottish Hymns (Scottish songwriters)

OCP  Oregon Catholic Press

PP  The Psalm Project (Dutch songwriters)

Resound  Resound Worship (UK songwriting collective)

Satellite  Satellite Worship (Scottish songwriting collective)

Scheer  Greg Scheer

SGP  Songs of God's People

STF  Singing the Faith

Taizé  Taizé Community

TM  Thuma Mina

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