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Proper 27C / 22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


The Psalm could be a good opening theme as it leads us to sing songs of praise to our God and King, also very appropriate in the final weeks of the church year. Classic hymns to consider include All creatures of our God and King (CH 147 / MP 7), O worship the King all glorious above (CH 127) and Praise my soul, the King of heaven (CH 160 / MP 560) while you could also consider contemporary classics such as Come people of the risen King (MP 1267 / CCLI / Getty) and How great is our God (MP 1227) or more recent worship songs such as High praise (CCLI) and Come and worship Christ the King (Resound).


O Lord, thou art my God and King (CH 100) is a solid option for the psalm, with words from the Scottish Psalter and set to a well known hymn tune. My God, my King, I'll lift you high (Jubilate) offers an alternative metrical setting while How great (Psalm 145) (CCLI) is a good option for bands. One generation will call to the next (GIA / Scheer) is interesting in putting a particular emphasis on the intergenerational dimension of v4 and could be accompanied in a range of styles.


The Gospel is a challenging passage to find songs for but Tell us, Rabbi, is it lawful (GIA) is directly inspired by it. Other songs which could link to its themes include God of the living, in whose eyes (CH 728) which finishes each verse with “our dead are living, Lord, with you”, and ‘He is not here,’ the angel said (WGRG) which was written to be used at the end of a funeral and explores how God will lead us through death to life

Stand O stand firm (WGRG) would link well to the Epistle as it draws on the language in v15, as does Stand firm in faith; unfailing is the Lord (GIA). You could also consider songs such as Put all your trust in God (CH 270) and O love that wilt not let me go (CH 557) which speak of placing our faith in God and the comfort we will receive.

This is the only Sunday in the whole three year lectionary cycle that Haggai appears so you might want to consider a song such as Not ours to know the reasons (Hope) which tries to summarise the book and could be sung to Aurelia or Penlan. Similarly, Song of the Prophets (CCLI / Hymnary) is a great hymn for exploring different prophets by singing the appropriate verses (use verses 1, 15 and 18 to fit this week) and can be sung to Kingsfold. Restore, O Lord, the honour of your name (CH 469 / MP 579) links to vv.6-7 with its call for God to “shake the earth again” while God’s message of “do not fear” could link to songs inspired by Isaiah 43 such as Don’t be afraid (WGRG), Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you (CH 191 / MP 115) and God is with you (GIA).


There is a broad theme from the readings of placing our trust in God and hope for the future which could suggest sending songs such as All my hope on God is founded (CH 192 / MP 16), View the present through the promise (CH 479) and May the God of hope go with us every day (CH 256). My hope is built on nothing less (MP 473 / Hymnary) is always worth considering alongside its two great reworkings - the Kenyan song Kwake yesu nasimama (GSW 34 / GIA) and the popular worship song Cornerstone (MP 1334 / CCLI) while Mighty to save (MP 1168 / CCLI) and You alone can rescue (CCLI) are other worship songs to consider.

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